
14 de enero de 2018


El CEIP Manuel Ruiz Zorrilla está participando en el programa Teach in Spain de colaboradores voluntarios norteamericanos en centros de Castilla y León. 
Carmen Castillo será la colaboradora voluntaria que permanecerá en nuestras aulas desde el 10 de enero hasta el 21 de marzo de 2018. Su función principal será la de apoyar en las clases de inglés desde Infantil a Primaria, acercando a los alumnos no sólo la lengua americana sino también a aspectos de su cultura y su país, Estados Unidos.

Teach in Spain programme is at school. A programme in which an English-speaker volunteer come to our school and support teachers in their English lessons. Carmen Castillo is the one who is coming to our school. She will be at school from the 10th of January to next 21st of October. One of the most important aspects of the programme is that she will bring American language to every classroom but also aspects about her culture and her country, the United States of America.

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